Try Time Circles to Combat Holiday Crazy!

It’s a sunny Saturday. I just asked my husband if he wants to go for a walk. The daylight is precious this time of year and I feel the need to grab some outdoor time while we can. Rob responds – “Sure! Let’s go now!” I’m like…“Wait a minute, I didn’t mean NOW. I have […]
Anxious? Don’t Deny the Red Flag You Need

I’ve recently contracted with a firm called Building Resilience to help a large human services agency train their managers in resilience peer coaching. Agencies like these are not the only organizations in need of resilience training. Burnout, “quiet quitting” and continual turnover impacts workplaces and communities all over our country. Resilience is not the same as […]
The Heart of Changing Minds – Deep Canvassing

First – A Story In 2019, when Donald Trump was President, a dear friend and colleague of mine, Bill Dufris, created a huge sign and stuck it on his lawn. In large letters, it asked the question “What Would Jesus Do?” It showed two illustrations. In the first, Trump is walking through water with Jesus […]
Find Meaning in Uncertainty: 5 Ways to Embrace it!

We spend so much time and energy running away from uncertainty. Yet here we are, surrounded by it, marinated in it, and in some cases, choking on it. What would happen if we realized and embraced its value instead? Uncertainty on Steroids In March of 2020, just as it became clear that some weird and […]
Your Daily Routines + Awareness = Meaning

What’s your morning routine? Have you thought about it? Do you know why you take the same actions consistently to greet the day? Are you aware of how you feel when, for any reason, you can’t complete them? My summer morning routine involves the following: start the kettle boiling, wipe off the chairs on the […]
Curiosity: Asking Questions Could be the Answer

When was the last time you felt truly curious about something? What did you do about it? Did you: Ask that question, research for factoids right then and there? Record it on your smartphone, or write it out intending to get back to it? (And did you?) Or did you tuck it away in the […]
’Tis the Season to Bust Beyond Our Boundaries!

Don’t you hate it when another emergency message crash lands into your email about something ELSE you can do for a CAUSE you signed up for in a weak moment? You know, when you had the illusion of having time to commit to yet another vital, important and needy effort? This happened to me shortly […]
(Eye Roll) Another Pesky Philosophical Question…..

When’s the last time you had a “meaningful” day? Would you recognize one if you experienced it? The way you might react to this question makes complete sense to me. “Another THING I have to shoehorn into my day??? I’m already overextended by work and kids and aging parents and everything going on in our […]
Ditch the Pitch – Do This Instead!

Who of us has been stuck in an elevator with a prospect/higher up/Grand Poobah who might just benefit us in some way, if only we can remember that damn elevator pitch?? It’s been awhile for me. And to be honest I was never that fond of EP’s to begin with. Why? Because I’m OVER a […]
Listening Like Life Depends on it: Heart Listening on Steroids

Each month, from now until the Routledge publishing date, I’ll be sharing small sections of my book. Using Head Heart & Hands Listening in Coach Practice. Here’s the first one. Chapter 10: Building Trust in a Dangerous World My father was a decorated Marine. He was too young and skinny to fight the Nazis in […]