Anxious? Don’t Deny the Red Flag You Need

I’ve recently contracted with a firm called Building Resilience to help a large human services agency train their managers in resilience peer coaching. Agencies like these are not the only organizations in need of resilience training. Burnout, “quiet quitting” and continual turnover impacts workplaces and communities all over our country. Resilience is not the same as […]
’Tis the Season to Bust Beyond Our Boundaries!

Don’t you hate it when another emergency message crash lands into your email about something ELSE you can do for a CAUSE you signed up for in a weak moment? You know, when you had the illusion of having time to commit to yet another vital, important and needy effort? This happened to me shortly […]
(Eye Roll) Another Pesky Philosophical Question…..

When’s the last time you had a “meaningful” day? Would you recognize one if you experienced it? The way you might react to this question makes complete sense to me. “Another THING I have to shoehorn into my day??? I’m already overextended by work and kids and aging parents and everything going on in our […]
The Costs of Continuous Partial Attention

As Americans, we aren’t big on reflection. Mulling over the impacts of our often impetuous and impulsive decisions isn’t our thing. We see ourselves as risk-takers, pioneers, self-made individualists embracing the New, the Now, the Loud, the Louder. We’re an ADHD culture, we are most likely hopeless multi-taskers, and we might be caught in the throes […]