Imposter Syndrome Grows Up

Alice’s Dilemma Alice enters the spacious, dimly lit hotel ballroom. She sees several conference attendees already gathered at the tables up front. On the stage a long table is set with the usual water pitchers, cups, and placards indicating who should sit where. She finds the placard with her name on it. She’ll be […]
Your Workplace “Weather Report”

I first notice the contrast in light – dark blue mountains in the background as the storm clouds grumble away – slapped into retreat by strong western sunlight. And the lake is a blue expanse mirroring the mountains. The foreground is bathed in the textured gold of a dry autumn meadow. It’s the contrasts that […]
Ghosting in the Workplace? Employ Positivity!

Imagine you’re a recruiter contracted with a mid-sized company. You’ve throughly vetted your candidates, guided them through the interview process, and now you’re down to three; all qualified, skilled, talented, – just what the position needs. The day of the final interview arrives… and two of the three fail to show. At this juncture, the […]
Verbal Interruptions: Office No-No? Maybe not…

I’m a interrupter. Guilty as charged. I have been working to correct that obnoxious practice of verbal interruptions for some time, but I have yet to be fully reformed. I know cutting someone off mid-sentence is irritating. I know that my diving headlong into my own point of view on a topic is really rude. […]
Roll Your Eyes, but it’s “The Way We Do Things Around Here”!

I’m fascinated with rituals, defined here as the actions we do over and over to reinforce meaning. Some workplace rituals are pretty straightforward: inductions, celebrations, retirements are only a few of the more familiar. (Although, in trying to find a graphic for this post – a search under “workplace rituals” offered all these photos of […]