Empathy – Your Time-Saving Superpower!

“Brent” is not happy. As a newly hired emergency room physician within a nationally recognized healthcare system, he has been “volun-told” to show up to a four day onsite training on “Patient-Provider Communications”, which translates in his assumption as a Colossal Waste of Time. “At least the location is decent.” he thinks as he turns […]
Have Fun w/Your Inner Critic. No Really!

Almost done with January – and how are those New Year’s resolutions holding up? Are you on track for losing a few pandemic pounds? Keeping your “no wine” in January commitment? How about reducing those hours spent in front of Netflix? Nope? Me either. The good news however, is that we can stop beating ourselves […]
Your Workplace “Weather Report”

I first notice the contrast in light – dark blue mountains in the background as the storm clouds grumble away – slapped into retreat by strong western sunlight. And the lake is a blue expanse mirroring the mountains. The foreground is bathed in the textured gold of a dry autumn meadow. It’s the contrasts that […]
Are you a Head? a Heart? or Hands? How We Listen Determines What We Decide……

There’s plenty out there on how to deliver our message for maximum impact – but we are all listeners too. And how we listen and the filters we use in listening can determine much about what we absorb, the nature of our relationships and the actions we ultimately decide to take in our lives and businesses, […]
3 Ways to Unlearn from Experience…

When I was growing up in Colorado, my dad was a rock climbing instructor and just about every summer/fall weekend would find us up in the Rockies dangling from ropes hundreds of feet above the ground. I still know how to knot the rope around my waist, and if I ever find myself disposed to […]
Love em or Hate em…Games have Impact in Adult Learning

People have interesting reactions to training “games” in the workplace. And interesting varieties of history with them, often predicated on whether or not they have “won” a particular game, and whether games were effectively used as learning tools in their formative years. In the professions – depending on the industry, people seem disinclined to accept […]