12 Rituals to Elevate Your Virtual Meeting

Are we sick and tired of Zoom yet? I sure don’t want to be because it’s here to stay and we’re all finding out how much time we save by not having to commute. Plus, many experts tell us that much of our educational and business systems are going to make heavier use of this […]
Team Climate Change: 1 Company Culture Tool Gets U Ready 4 the Heat!

The everyday actions your company culture uses to reinforce underlying values are worth your attention. Does your company have this essential culture tool to cope with change? Check out these situations…. Casey + Co. is a small but thriving start-up with a great production track record and their best quarter ever. The C+C staff is […]
Are you a Head? a Heart? or Hands? How We Listen Determines What We Decide……

There’s plenty out there on how to deliver our message for maximum impact – but we are all listeners too. And how we listen and the filters we use in listening can determine much about what we absorb, the nature of our relationships and the actions we ultimately decide to take in our lives and businesses, […]
Your Group on Conflict: 7 Questions that Reveal Team Chemistry

I had a problem. An important element of my newly invented facilitation tool Shift/POV was not being received as well as I had hoped. And no matter how I tried to rework the marketing language, the instructions, the methodology, somehow, the Random Factor insight prompts were not being perceived as particularly useful to facilitators in […]