“Perfect” Revealed as…Your Inner Critic!

I’m about to present at a conference. I’ve done my legwork. I’ve gotten my high impact slides sent in, I’ve gone over my visuals and my points and everything is on track to be…. Nope. Stop. I’m not gonna to say it. I’m not coming close to That Word. Speaking it could jinx it all. […]
Verbal Interruptions: Office No-No? Maybe not…

I’m a interrupter. Guilty as charged. I have been working to correct that obnoxious practice of verbal interruptions for some time, but I have yet to be fully reformed. I know cutting someone off mid-sentence is irritating. I know that my diving headlong into my own point of view on a topic is really rude. […]
Your #1 Weapon Against Blind Stupidity…..

Curiosity is the opposite of fear. You hear that Love is the opposite – well ok, but in actual experience, love is too big a stretch. All kinds of people can claim they “love” the disabled or Muslims or old hippies, but in that context, the L word is almost meaningless. Genuine curiosity on the […]
5 Ways to Snag that Slippery Innovative Solution

Let’s say you have a sticky wicket problem – you’ve tried everything you can think of and those wickets are still sticky. You and your team have been wracking your brains trying to fix the wickets and at this point, you might be tempted to either hand it off to someone else….preferably someone who OWES […]
Learn from My Mistake: 5 Questions that will Save Your Big Idea!

There are times when I’m not a very subtle person. I get enthusiastic about a new brainstorm and want to share with others right away. Why I don’t know better after decades in this world, I don’t know. But maybe writing about it will help me – and you! – in laying the groundwork for […]