Heart Listening Challenges: Burnout & Limiting Self Perception

Powerful empathic listening is what the world most needs right now. But for those who excel in this listening style, there can be significant downsides. Maya loved her job as a residence social worker at Harper Community. She is an empathic listener, and appeared, for a long time, to have an inexhaustible supply of […]
Toxic Positivity: The True Christmas Grinch

You walk into your workplace on a deceptively “normal” day, if there is such a thing anymore. The floor is sparsely populated now, various people on vacation. All is calm, all the fluorescent lights are bright. Suddenly Liz opens the door to her office, closes it with something resembling a slam, and strides down the […]
Confirmation Bias: Tuning Out the Truth

The horse, with blinders on – filters out any unnecessary information, and for us, inconvenient information that conflicts with what we want to keep intact for ourselves. I feel like I’m doing battle with my own biases all the time now, and the election season has made it particularly challenging. “When we would like a […]
Head, Hands or Heart? Your Listening Style determines what you Hear AND what you Decide….

There’s plenty out there on how to deliver our message for maximum impact – but we are all listeners too. How we listen, and the filters we use in listening can determine much about what we absorb, the nature of our relationships and the actions we ultimately decide to take in our lives, our businesses, our world. Here’s a chance to […]