Your Workplace “Weather Report”

I first notice the contrast in light – dark blue mountains in the background as the storm clouds grumble away – slapped into retreat by strong western sunlight. And the lake is a blue expanse mirroring the mountains. The foreground is bathed in the textured gold of a dry autumn meadow. It’s the contrasts that […]
Ghosting in the Workplace? Employ Positivity!

Imagine you’re a recruiter contracted with a mid-sized company. You’ve throughly vetted your candidates, guided them through the interview process, and now you’re down to three; all qualified, skilled, talented, – just what the position needs. The day of the final interview arrives… and two of the three fail to show. At this juncture, the […]
Workplace Improv? Say YES!

What are your associations with the word “Improvisation”? Who’s Line is it Anyway? The Groundlings? Those Improv Everywhere videos on YouTube? Whatever the word brings to mind, it probably involves entertainment right? It’s fun to watch people up there leaping into space with no net! My connection with improvisation is a bit different – I’m […]
Changing Your Mind in 2019

How can we Build a Shared Reality in a Fractured World? ’Twas the Season. Many of us made the journey home to reconnect with our family of origins…. and all the relational baggage that implies. Some of us were lucky to get back on the plane without having had a literal food fight during the […]
Team Climate Change: 1 Company Culture Tool Gets U Ready 4 the Heat!

The everyday actions your company culture uses to reinforce underlying values are worth your attention. Does your company have this essential culture tool to cope with change? Check out these situations…. Casey + Co. is a small but thriving start-up with a great production track record and their best quarter ever. The C+C staff is […]
Verbal Interruptions: Office No-No? Maybe not…

I’m a interrupter. Guilty as charged. I have been working to correct that obnoxious practice of verbal interruptions for some time, but I have yet to be fully reformed. I know cutting someone off mid-sentence is irritating. I know that my diving headlong into my own point of view on a topic is really rude. […]
Improv in the Workplace…..NOT what you think!

What are your associations with the word Improvisation? Who’s Line is it Anyway? The Groundlings? Those Improv Everywhere videos on YouTube? Whatever the word brings to mind, it probably involves entertainment right? It’s fun to watch people up there leaping into space with no net! My connection with improvisation is a bit different – I’m […]
“The Martian” Inspires some “Otherworldly” Teamwork

My husband and I went to see “The Martian”. Aside from an intriguing story, terrific, subtle humor in the writing, the tech and special effects (and ok, Matt Damon), I was reminded what happens when we have experiences that completely infuse us with inspiration…. and often that inspiration is a fiction – in this case, […]
3 Quick & Easy Strategies to (Sneak) Mindfulness into Your Work Day….

As I begin this post, I’m aware that I have been trying for 4 hours to get enough quiet so that I can concentrate and write. My first impulse is that my schedule, my commitments, my world is doing this to me! But I was the one to make the decision to follow an old […]
3 Bias Busters to use BEFORE you make that Next Important Decision….

I get to facilitate a fascinating discussion on Explicit and Implicit Bias in a University setting next week. The focus is on implementing more diversity in hiring for tenured faculty positions – particularly in STEM subjects, which, over the last 20 years, have shown a whopping 5% improvement in populating University faculty with instructors other […]