The Costs of Continuous Partial Attention

As Americans, we aren’t big on reflection. Mulling over the impacts of our often impetuous and impulsive decisions isn’t our thing. We see ourselves as risk-takers, pioneers, self-made individualists embracing the New, the Now, the Loud, the Louder. We’re an ADHD culture, we are most likely hopeless multi-taskers, and we might be caught in the throes […]
Ditch the New Year’s Resolutions. Do This Instead.

We’re two weeks into January and I’m already looking for ways to get out of my New Year’s resolutions. I mean really, how pathetic is THAT? But a friend of mine, Deb Nelson, hooked me up with an alternative: Choose 3 words to frame what you would like to accomplish in 2016. She got the idea […]