Who’s Got Time to Listen??? You Do!

Sam sits in front of me shaking his head. His shoulders are hunched in frustration. His mouth is a tight line, his eyes are closed. “I just can’t accept this. I’m sorry, but there’s no way. The math just doesn’t work.” Sam is a third year medical student in a large teaching hospital. He is […]
2 Compulsions That Drive Americans Crazy!

I’m sitting in front of my computer with several Tasks That Must Be Done lined up on Today’s To-Do’s. None of them are what I’m actually doing right now… Some urge in me tells me that I MUST clean out all extraneous emails first. You know, start with a clean slate and all of that. […]
Try Time Circles to Combat Holiday Crazy!

It’s a sunny Saturday. I just asked my husband if he wants to go for a walk. The daylight is precious this time of year and I feel the need to grab some outdoor time while we can. Rob responds – “Sure! Let’s go now!” I’m like…“Wait a minute, I didn’t mean NOW. I have […]
Do These 3 Things Before Asking for Help

I held a half day Say Yes! Improvisation training this week for some leaders at a nationally recognized ad agency. I had spent significant time planning the activities, putting together the powerpoint, gathering the materials, making sure the curriculum included lots of debrief time, as well as an abundance of focused fun-for-a-purpose. But the Agenda […]
“Blursday” – Another Sideswipe from Covid 19

Are all your days looking alike? Here’s a way to take charge of your calendar! A column in yesterday’s paper struck a chord with me right from the title “What Day is it? Welcome to Blursday” For too many of us, the days of the week are all starting to feel like Sunday. Which you would […]
3 Bias Busters to use BEFORE you make that Next Important Decision….

I get to facilitate a fascinating discussion on Explicit and Implicit Bias in a University setting next week. The focus is on implementing more diversity in hiring for tenured faculty positions – particularly in STEM subjects, which, over the last 20 years, have shown a whopping 5% improvement in populating University faculty with instructors other […]