Do These 3 Things Before Asking for Help

I held a half day Say Yes! Improvisation training this week for some leaders at a nationally recognized ad agency. I had spent significant time planning the activities, putting together the powerpoint, gathering the materials, making sure the curriculum included lots of debrief time, as well as an abundance of focused fun-for-a-purpose. But the Agenda […]
Serendipity and New Nuggets!

Serendipity is a chance for both gratitude and increased awareness
Head, Hands or Heart? Your Listening Style determines what you Hear AND what you Decide….

There’s plenty out there on how to deliver our message for maximum impact – but we are all listeners too. How we listen, and the filters we use in listening can determine much about what we absorb, the nature of our relationships and the actions we ultimately decide to take in our lives, our businesses, our world. Here’s a chance to […]
12 Rituals to Elevate Your Virtual Meeting

Are we sick and tired of Zoom yet? I sure don’t want to be because it’s here to stay and we’re all finding out how much time we save by not having to commute. Plus, many experts tell us that much of our educational and business systems are going to make heavier use of this […]
Let’s Add Value over Noise in 2020…

New Year, New Decade, New opportunities for… let’s call them “Behavioral Upgrades”. Feels like a good time to ask “Am I adding value or just adding to the NOISE? “ We all have a driving need to be heard, connected, part of community of people who truly “see” us. But now everyone is screaming to […]
Your Workplace “Weather Report”

I first notice the contrast in light – dark blue mountains in the background as the storm clouds grumble away – slapped into retreat by strong western sunlight. And the lake is a blue expanse mirroring the mountains. The foreground is bathed in the textured gold of a dry autumn meadow. It’s the contrasts that […]
Ghosting in the Workplace? Employ Positivity!

Imagine you’re a recruiter contracted with a mid-sized company. You’ve throughly vetted your candidates, guided them through the interview process, and now you’re down to three; all qualified, skilled, talented, – just what the position needs. The day of the final interview arrives… and two of the three fail to show. At this juncture, the […]
Changing Your Mind in 2019

How can we Build a Shared Reality in a Fractured World? ’Twas the Season. Many of us made the journey home to reconnect with our family of origins…. and all the relational baggage that implies. Some of us were lucky to get back on the plane without having had a literal food fight during the […]
The He(ART) of Marketing

I made myself indulge in something called a “mini-collage color workshop” last month. It wasn’t easy. And I’m not even that comfortable writing about it here. I had to drive over an hour to get there and sacrificed half a tank of gas to participate. But what can I say? I was “called”. And this […]
Verbal Interruptions: Office No-No? Maybe not…

I’m a interrupter. Guilty as charged. I have been working to correct that obnoxious practice of verbal interruptions for some time, but I have yet to be fully reformed. I know cutting someone off mid-sentence is irritating. I know that my diving headlong into my own point of view on a topic is really rude. […]