Serendipity and New Nuggets!

I’m starting off my year without tiresome resolutions that lose their steam about now.  But I do, at New Year’s, do some thinking about a theme for the coming year.  And for 2021 I’ve landed on “Serendipity”.  It’s a funny word isn’t it?  Almost sounds like something out of Mary Poppins, but the meaning, the definition, invites both gratitude and the kind of expanded attention I’m trying to bring into my daily experience.  Serendipity, defined: “the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way, the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for.”

In looking back on what we can all agree was a most challenging year, I can also find some instances of serendipity, like bright lights on a dark and treacherous path. In a year of so many doors slammed shut, these are the open doors I said “Yes” to.  It’s my joy and privilege to share these briefly with you, and I invite you to dig out your own “serendipities” for 2020- you’ll be glad you did.

Serendipity #1

When Covid 19 first hit, and so much of my work vanished, I knew I had to do something with my suddenly empty calendar, so I took a chance on CEI’s Propeller program and signed on to create an online product – of some kind.  I wasn’t sure what or where to begin, but the beauty of Propeller is a clear succinct program designed for women to create something of value online.  Meeting and working with Anna Ackerman and Nick Rimsa of the Propeller program was serendipitous in the launching of Nugget, and I’m so looking forward to sharing this with the world come February 2021!  I’ll be talking more about Nugget on News Center Maine this week!  Sign up for a quick test demo here.

Serendipity #2

Another of Seth Godin’s invitations for Writing in Community landed in my inbox, this time, I jumped right out of my comfort zone to tackle a life long dream of writing a book.  I’m glad to report that this 6 month guided and community facilitated program has provided me with guidance, support and structure to help me produce Listen Up! What We Listen for Determines What We Hear and What We Don’t. Now it’s time to embark on the self publishing journey, so I’ll continue to learn and grow in this process!

Lastly…If Serendipity intrigues you, here’s a book you may enjoy.  The Serendipity Mindset is written by Christian Busch, a researcher from Germany, and I picked it specifically because I wanted some science on the topic, not just the New Age-y take.  So far, I’d say it’s the perfect positive antidote to all things Covid 19 and the fragility of our republic.  Check it out and let me know what you think!

And of course, I wish you a Blessed New Year!