Serendipity and New Nuggets!

Serendipity is a chance for both gratitude and increased awareness
Let’s Add Value over Noise in 2020…

New Year, New Decade, New opportunities for… let’s call them “Behavioral Upgrades”. Feels like a good time to ask “Am I adding value or just adding to the NOISE? “ We all have a driving need to be heard, connected, part of community of people who truly “see” us. But now everyone is screaming to […]
5 Ways to Snag that Slippery Innovative Solution

Let’s say you have a sticky wicket problem – you’ve tried everything you can think of and those wickets are still sticky. You and your team have been wracking your brains trying to fix the wickets and at this point, you might be tempted to either hand it off to someone else….preferably someone who OWES […]
3 Quick & Easy Strategies to (Sneak) Mindfulness into Your Work Day….

As I begin this post, I’m aware that I have been trying for 4 hours to get enough quiet so that I can concentrate and write. My first impulse is that my schedule, my commitments, my world is doing this to me! But I was the one to make the decision to follow an old […]
Your Group on Conflict: 7 Questions that Reveal Team Chemistry

I had a problem. An important element of my newly invented facilitation tool Shift/POV was not being received as well as I had hoped. And no matter how I tried to rework the marketing language, the instructions, the methodology, somehow, the Random Factor insight prompts were not being perceived as particularly useful to facilitators in […]