Heart Listening Challenges: Burnout & Limiting Self Perception

Powerful empathic listening is what the world most needs right now. But for those who excel in this listening style, there can be significant downsides. Maya loved her job as a residence social worker at Harper Community. She is an empathic listener, and appeared, for a long time, to have an inexhaustible supply of […]
Stop Drop & Roll into Deeper Listening

A few years ago, when my daughter was in her gap year between high school and college, she and I went out to lunch. She had been accepted into the college she very much wanted to attend, and they had signed off on her delayed start. So as far as I knew, when I sat […]
Stumped for New Ideas? Play This Game!

(Check out the Quick Video of this blogpost in the Monday Mindset Minute!) My client “Nancy” stares out of my computer on our zoom call. Her face is sad, stressed, and anxious. The date of the pitch contest where she’s expected to promote her new business is drawing ever closer, and still she struggles […]
The Superpower of Good Enough!

Have you heard of a superpower called “Good Enough?”Probably not because I just made it up. Superpowers tend to be a lot splashier and glamorous and they make more noise. But Good enough is a superpower you might want to call in when your perfectionist is poking at you to Get That Thing Absolutely PERFECT […]
7 Quick(ish) Ways to Spring Clean Your Mindset!

Yeah, it’s March. Up here in New England, pretty much everyone who hasn’t flown off to Florida is cranky about something – mostly because snow is still on the ground, it’s still cold, our power bills just went through the roof and….fill in the blank. We all kind of just kind of march through March. […]
2 Compulsions That Drive Americans Crazy!

I’m sitting in front of my computer with several Tasks That Must Be Done lined up on Today’s To-Do’s. None of them are what I’m actually doing right now… Some urge in me tells me that I MUST clean out all extraneous emails first. You know, start with a clean slate and all of that. […]
In 2023 Ask Better Questions!

I’ve started my year with three guiding words: Simplicity, Curiosity, and Flow. (See my Monday Mindset Minute on this topic here!) And today, I’ll let the second word guide this post. There are times in my life when I’ve struggled to ask great questions. In the midst of a conversation with a colleague I […]
Anxious? Don’t Deny the Red Flag You Need

I’ve recently contracted with a firm called Building Resilience to help a large human services agency train their managers in resilience peer coaching. Agencies like these are not the only organizations in need of resilience training. Burnout, “quiet quitting” and continual turnover impacts workplaces and communities all over our country. Resilience is not the same as […]
The Heart of Changing Minds – Deep Canvassing

First – A Story In 2019, when Donald Trump was President, a dear friend and colleague of mine, Bill Dufris, created a huge sign and stuck it on his lawn. In large letters, it asked the question “What Would Jesus Do?” It showed two illustrations. In the first, Trump is walking through water with Jesus […]
Find Meaning in Uncertainty: 5 Ways to Embrace it!

We spend so much time and energy running away from uncertainty. Yet here we are, surrounded by it, marinated in it, and in some cases, choking on it. What would happen if we realized and embraced its value instead? Uncertainty on Steroids In March of 2020, just as it became clear that some weird and […]