The Superpower of Good Enough!

Have you heard of a superpower called “Good Enough?”Probably not because I just made it up. Superpowers tend to be a lot splashier and glamorous and they make more noise.

But Good enough is a superpower you might want to call in when your perfectionist is poking at you to Get That Thing Absolutely PERFECT OR NEVERMIND doing it at all.

The Stickler

In the Positive Intelligence coaching model we call her the Stickler. And more than a few of my clients are trying to do battle with this internal saboteur just about all the time.

Stickler is the one blaming us when things out of our control go wrong. 

“My business partner didn’t make the deposit on time! I know she’s scattered right now and I should have reminded her! This is My Fault!”

Or “My team didn’t ace the presentation! I should have drilled them repeatedly on the sequence – This is My Fault!” 

You get the idea.

Taking on This Pesky Saboteur

Stickler shows up whenever we try to step just a little bit outside our comfort zone, and take a risk with something new. 

When I first began editing my own audiobook narrations, suddenly all I could hear on the file were pops and lip smacks and an overwhelming amount of stuff that needed to be edited out – or Maybe I Should Just Start Over???!!!

If we listen to Stickler long enough, she’ll convince us that nothing we do, and possibly nothing anyone else is doing, will ever be perfect enough to ship out into the world. 

That’s when we call in our superpower of GOOD ENOUGH and tell STICKLER to take her meds. 

The Power of Perspective 

We widen our perspective, we take the long view, we tune into our bodies and take a deep breath. We ask ourselves “How much does getting this presentation/audio file/deposit timing absolutely PERFECT really matter?”  The answer is often “Not That Much”. (Unless you’re a brain surgeon or an air traffic controller. Those professions, plus a few more, REQUIRE Sticklers!)

Tired of battling your internal Stickler on your own? Send me an Email  or Sign up for a quick chat to explore whether the Positive Intelligence superpowers can help!