“The Way We Do Things Around Here” – Ritual can Infuse Meaning into Daily Life

What’s your morning routine? Have you thought about it? Do you know why you take the same actions consistently to greet the day? Are you aware of how you feel when, for any reason, you can’t complete them? As it is December, and here in New England, the days are increasingly dark and cold, I’ve […]
Find Meaning in Uncertainty: 5 Ways to Embrace it!

We spend so much time and energy running away from uncertainty. Yet here we are, surrounded by it, marinated in it, and in some cases, choking on it. What would happen if we realized and embraced its value instead? Uncertainty on Steroids In March of 2020, just as it became clear that some weird and […]
Your Daily Routines + Awareness = Meaning

What’s your morning routine? Have you thought about it? Do you know why you take the same actions consistently to greet the day? Are you aware of how you feel when, for any reason, you can’t complete them? My summer morning routine involves the following: start the kettle boiling, wipe off the chairs on the […]
Curiosity: Asking Questions Could be the Answer

When was the last time you felt truly curious about something? What did you do about it? Did you: Ask that question, research for factoids right then and there? Record it on your smartphone, or write it out intending to get back to it? (And did you?) Or did you tuck it away in the […]
(Eye Roll) Another Pesky Philosophical Question…..

When’s the last time you had a “meaningful” day? Would you recognize one if you experienced it? The way you might react to this question makes complete sense to me. “Another THING I have to shoehorn into my day??? I’m already overextended by work and kids and aging parents and everything going on in our […]
Serendipity and New Nuggets!

Serendipity is a chance for both gratitude and increased awareness
“Blursday” – Another Sideswipe from Covid 19

Are all your days looking alike? Here’s a way to take charge of your calendar! A column in yesterday’s paper struck a chord with me right from the title “What Day is it? Welcome to Blursday” For too many of us, the days of the week are all starting to feel like Sunday. Which you would […]
It’s Official – We’re ZOOMED!

I’ve been on three Zoom calls today – which have taken up 2.5 hours of my time. My head hurts, my eyes feel fuzzy, and aside from status updates and content of one kind or another – what was accomplished? In-person meetings tend to energize me (mostly). Online meetings drain me. (almost completely) Why? Is […]
12 Rituals to Elevate Your Virtual Meeting

Are we sick and tired of Zoom yet? I sure don’t want to be because it’s here to stay and we’re all finding out how much time we save by not having to commute. Plus, many experts tell us that much of our educational and business systems are going to make heavier use of this […]
Five February Jumpstarts!

I suspect I am allergic to coffee. But I am in DEEP DENIAL. So don’t rave to me about your macha or your mushrooms or the latest miracle herb. I. Love. My. COFFEE. But it doesn’t love me anymore. Sneezing, teeth grinding, TMJ, anxiety… you get the picture. And now comes Michael Pollan’s new audio […]