Shhhh! The Quiet Surprises of Silence

“Patricia” is a brilliant colleague who will NOT stop talking. Do you know someone like this? A group of us drove with Patricia for 3 hours to an educational event, and she proceeded to carry on her 1-way “conversation” for the entire drive. I kept wondering how she was able to continue this stream of […]
Your Daily Routines + Awareness = Meaning

What’s your morning routine? Have you thought about it? Do you know why you take the same actions consistently to greet the day? Are you aware of how you feel when, for any reason, you can’t complete them? My summer morning routine involves the following: start the kettle boiling, wipe off the chairs on the […]
Toxic Positivity: The True Christmas Grinch

You walk into your workplace on a deceptively “normal” day, if there is such a thing anymore. The floor is sparsely populated now, various people on vacation. All is calm, all the fluorescent lights are bright. Suddenly Liz opens the door to her office, closes it with something resembling a slam, and strides down the […]
“Blursday” – Another Sideswipe from Covid 19

Are all your days looking alike? Here’s a way to take charge of your calendar! A column in yesterday’s paper struck a chord with me right from the title “What Day is it? Welcome to Blursday” For too many of us, the days of the week are all starting to feel like Sunday. Which you would […]
Spring: Time 2 Plant a Pod!

I’ve been intrigued for some time with podcasting. I’m very taken with the potential to broadcast powerful true stories via audio flash and human imagination. Some of my favorites include The Hidden Brain and RadioLab; specifically, the kinds of stories they tell, and the audio elements they use to help energize the material. Kelly Merrilland […]
Roll Your Eyes, but it’s “The Way We Do Things Around Here”!

I’m fascinated with rituals, defined here as the actions we do over and over to reinforce meaning. Some workplace rituals are pretty straightforward: inductions, celebrations, retirements are only a few of the more familiar. (Although, in trying to find a graphic for this post – a search under “workplace rituals” offered all these photos of […]