Stop Drop & Roll into Deeper Listening

A few years ago, when my daughter was in her gap year between high school and college, she and I went out to lunch. She had been accepted into the college she very much wanted to attend, and they had signed off on her delayed start. So as far as I knew, when I sat […]
Heads Up Doc! Listening with Empathy Can Save Lives…

I am lying on a hospital bed. I’ve just woken up from the anesthesia and I’m concerned that I can’t move my left arm or leg. The nurse told me that the doctor will be in soon to speak with me. She couldn’t give me any information about why my movement is restricted, and I’m […]
Navigating Cultural Fit with Deeper Listening: Todd’s Journey

In our rapidly evolving professional landscape, the concept of cultural “fit” takes on new dimensions. No longer is it just about aligning with the values and norms of an organization; it’s about embracing diverse perspectives and building authentic connections. The model for intentional Head Heart and Hands listening that I share in my book includes […]
Listening Lessons Learned

We all know we need to be good listeners, but what does that really mean? Here’s some new ways in to our most under-rated superpower – Along with a few tips to super-charge your listening! Start here with Blake’s Story Blake turns off the pavement onto a dirt road leading toward dense woods. He takes […]
Mindful Listening: Cultivate Presence and Build Deeper Connections

Have you ever met an extraordinary listener? People who seem to be able to tune in to their clients, partners, co-workers, kids and get the conversation off the surface immediately. Surprising stories are uncovered, vital information is offered, and trust is built almost from the first minutes of the conversation. How do these listeners do […]
Stumped for New Ideas? Play This Game!

(Check out the Quick Video of this blogpost in the Monday Mindset Minute!) My client “Nancy” stares out of my computer on our zoom call. Her face is sad, stressed, and anxious. The date of the pitch contest where she’s expected to promote her new business is drawing ever closer, and still she struggles […]
The Superpower of Good Enough!

Have you heard of a superpower called “Good Enough?”Probably not because I just made it up. Superpowers tend to be a lot splashier and glamorous and they make more noise. But Good enough is a superpower you might want to call in when your perfectionist is poking at you to Get That Thing Absolutely PERFECT […]
7 Quick(ish) Ways to Spring Clean Your Mindset!

Yeah, it’s March. Up here in New England, pretty much everyone who hasn’t flown off to Florida is cranky about something – mostly because snow is still on the ground, it’s still cold, our power bills just went through the roof and….fill in the blank. We all kind of just kind of march through March. […]
2 Compulsions That Drive Americans Crazy!

I’m sitting in front of my computer with several Tasks That Must Be Done lined up on Today’s To-Do’s. None of them are what I’m actually doing right now… Some urge in me tells me that I MUST clean out all extraneous emails first. You know, start with a clean slate and all of that. […]
In 2023 Ask Better Questions!

I’ve started my year with three guiding words: Simplicity, Curiosity, and Flow. (See my Monday Mindset Minute on this topic here!) And today, I’ll let the second word guide this post. There are times in my life when I’ve struggled to ask great questions. In the midst of a conversation with a colleague I […]