Shhhh! The Quiet Surprises of Silence

“Patricia” is a brilliant colleague who will NOT stop talking. Do you know someone like this? A group of us drove with Patricia for 3 hours to an educational event, and she proceeded to carry on her 1-way “conversation” for the entire drive. I kept wondering how she was able to continue this stream of […]
“The Way We Do Things Around Here” – Ritual can Infuse Meaning into Daily Life

What’s your morning routine? Have you thought about it? Do you know why you take the same actions consistently to greet the day? Are you aware of how you feel when, for any reason, you can’t complete them? As it is December, and here in New England, the days are increasingly dark and cold, I’ve […]
Navigating Cultural Fit with Deeper Listening: Todd’s Journey

In our rapidly evolving professional landscape, the concept of cultural “fit” takes on new dimensions. No longer is it just about aligning with the values and norms of an organization; it’s about embracing diverse perspectives and building authentic connections. The model for intentional Head Heart and Hands listening that I share in my book includes […]
Stumped for New Ideas? Play This Game!

(Check out the Quick Video of this blogpost in the Monday Mindset Minute!) My client “Nancy” stares out of my computer on our zoom call. Her face is sad, stressed, and anxious. The date of the pitch contest where she’s expected to promote her new business is drawing ever closer, and still she struggles […]
7 Quick(ish) Ways to Spring Clean Your Mindset!

Yeah, it’s March. Up here in New England, pretty much everyone who hasn’t flown off to Florida is cranky about something – mostly because snow is still on the ground, it’s still cold, our power bills just went through the roof and….fill in the blank. We all kind of just kind of march through March. […]
Find Meaning in Uncertainty: 5 Ways to Embrace it!

We spend so much time and energy running away from uncertainty. Yet here we are, surrounded by it, marinated in it, and in some cases, choking on it. What would happen if we realized and embraced its value instead? Uncertainty on Steroids In March of 2020, just as it became clear that some weird and […]
Your Daily Routines + Awareness = Meaning

What’s your morning routine? Have you thought about it? Do you know why you take the same actions consistently to greet the day? Are you aware of how you feel when, for any reason, you can’t complete them? My summer morning routine involves the following: start the kettle boiling, wipe off the chairs on the […]
Ditch the Pitch – Do This Instead!

Who of us has been stuck in an elevator with a prospect/higher up/Grand Poobah who might just benefit us in some way, if only we can remember that damn elevator pitch?? It’s been awhile for me. And to be honest I was never that fond of EP’s to begin with. Why? Because I’m OVER a […]
Imposter Syndrome Grows Up

Alice’s Dilemma Alice enters the spacious, dimly lit hotel ballroom. She sees several conference attendees already gathered at the tables up front. On the stage a long table is set with the usual water pitchers, cups, and placards indicating who should sit where. She finds the placard with her name on it. She’ll be […]
12 Rituals to Elevate Your Virtual Meeting

Are we sick and tired of Zoom yet? I sure don’t want to be because it’s here to stay and we’re all finding out how much time we save by not having to commute. Plus, many experts tell us that much of our educational and business systems are going to make heavier use of this […]