’Tis the Season to Bust Beyond Our Boundaries!

Don’t you hate it when another emergency message crash lands into your email about something ELSE you can do for a CAUSE you signed up for in a weak moment? You know, when you had the illusion of having time to commit to yet another vital, important and needy effort? This happened to me shortly […]
(Eye Roll) Another Pesky Philosophical Question…..

When’s the last time you had a “meaningful” day? Would you recognize one if you experienced it? The way you might react to this question makes complete sense to me. “Another THING I have to shoehorn into my day??? I’m already overextended by work and kids and aging parents and everything going on in our […]
March into Spring with the Controller!

It’s happening… even up here in the chilly northeast. The snow falls and melts away before we can argue about who’s turn it is to shovel. I woke up to cardinals signaling loudly to the ladies at the first kiss of dawn. Springtime is singing softly, and her voice will get louder as the sunlight […]
Taking on The Avoider

February can be a beast. I feel sluggy, disorganized, cranky… Somehow, I just can’t stop getting in my own way. You too? I think there’s a scientific term for this. It’s called a bad case of The Februaries. But you can stop beating yourself up for all those To-Do’s that are raising their eyebrows at […]
Have Fun w/Your Inner Critic. No Really!

Almost done with January – and how are those New Year’s resolutions holding up? Are you on track for losing a few pandemic pounds? Keeping your “no wine” in January commitment? How about reducing those hours spent in front of Netflix? Nope? Me either. The good news however, is that we can stop beating ourselves […]
“Yes-And” Gets Your Team Innovating!

See if this sounds familiar You are managing a working team in the now ubiquitous hybrid scenario. Your group has been tasked with generating some new ideas for the next phase of an ongoing project. While the person you report to is expecting “great ideas”, you can see some roadblocks. Among them: Time: Can the […]
Imposter Syndrome Grows Up

Alice’s Dilemma Alice enters the spacious, dimly lit hotel ballroom. She sees several conference attendees already gathered at the tables up front. On the stage a long table is set with the usual water pitchers, cups, and placards indicating who should sit where. She finds the placard with her name on it. She’ll be […]